Advertised Projects

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Advertised Projects
Image of reuse facility expansion.

Forecasted Projects

Below is a list of our forecasted engineering projects. 

Project Name/Description Type

Anticipated Advertising Date


Grant (Y/N)

SSWRF - Reuse Pond Expansion Project: The SSWRF, located in St. Cloud Florida, is a domestic wastewater treatment facility that provides wastewater treatment for Toho’s approximately 127 square mile St. Cloud service area. The permitted treatment capacity of the SSWRF is 7.6 million gallons per day (MGD) annual average daily flow (AADF). The SSWRF and associated land is owned by the City of St. Cloud (City) and the SSWRF and associated wastewater collection and reuse distribution systems are managed and operated by Toho under an Interlocal Agreement between Toho and the City. RFQu (Engineering) Early September $7.5 million Y
Cypress West WRF Addition of Mechanical Bar Screen IFB (Vendor or Contractor) Late September 400,000 N
Cypress Lake Raw Water Main to Connect PW 1-4 to WTP Site: Will connect four brackish water production wells to the Cypress Lake reverse osmosis water treatment plant site. IFB  (Contractor)
9/30/2024 $7M Y
Southside WRF Reuse Pond Expansion: Adding an additional 36 MG storage volume to the existing 89 MG reuse storage pond to increase reuse availability during dry weather. RFQu   (Engineer) 9/30/2024 $5 to $10 million Y
Nolte Road Booster Pump Station: The Nolte Road Booster Pump Station is an infrastructure improvement project intended to address ongoing pressure issues in City’s northeast potable water service area and help to accommodate demands associated with the anticipated Center Lake DRI. The Project is located in the City of St. Cloud, Florida. IFB (Contractor) 12/1/2024 $2.5 to $3.0 million N
CL1-I-03 Champions Gate Interconnect: On-Hold IFB (Contractor) On-Hold $1 million N
Richard McLaughlin (NB) WRF Valve Replacement: Replace one 48” and two 36” isolation valves, one 30” and one 36” flow meter isolation valve, and one 36” flow meter bypass valve. Project also includes installation of a 20” bypass line, magnetic flow meter, and the replacement of the radio tower, and plant security system upgrade. IFB  (Contractor) On-Hold $3M to $4.0M N
Hoagland Blvd. 20" Water Main Extension: This project is identified in the Master Hydraulic Model updates.  This project is anticipated to increase water supply service by approximately 1.29 MGD to the Poinciana service area.  The 24" water main is required to transfer potable water from the Toho area to the Poinciana area to meet distribution system demands.  This project includes a 24" water transmission main to run from thee future Plant just north of Pleasant Hill Elementary School and south of Clay St.  The 24" water main will generally be installed west of the start location along the access road north of the elementary school, south along Jack Calhoun Dr. and South Hoagland Blvd, and through Good Samaritan Village. RFQu TBD   N
CL2-P-01A Cypress Lake WTP of future Southport Connector: Install 17,000 LF of new 36" pipe from Cypress Lake WTP to the Southport Connector in South Poinciana. RFQu TBD $15-20 million Y
CL1-WTP-02 TWA WTP Conjunctive Capacity RFQu On-Hold   N
CL1-P-01 Old Pleasant Hill Rd/Dover Plum Ave. S. Poinciana Blvd. to Country Club Road IFB TBD    
Osceola Polk Line Rd - TWA Southwest WTP east to South Nocatee Road (ONLY US17-92 from CR532 to Nocatee Road N/A TBD    
CL2-P-07D I-4 Crossing along Tradition Blvd.       N
Peabody WTP Hydrogen Sulfide Removal: Includes a new CO2 injection system to reduce hydrogen sulfide content. Part of a 5-WTP analysis. Potential for turnkey or incorporate elements of Bella Lago (currently under construction).     $2.5 to $3.0 million  
Kissimmee-St. Cloud Connector Trail (Brown Chapel Rd & Lakeshore Dr FM Improvements): Includes the relocation of approximately 650 LF of 12" PVC force main to avoid conflicts with the County's stormwater improvements associated with the construction of the Connector Trail. IFB (Contractor) TBD    
Mann St. Toho Utilities Relocation:
City of Kissimmee has a project to perform road widening and improvements of Mann St, in Kissimmee. This project will impact some existing Toho utilities, which will need to be relocated before roadway project. 
Pending on City of Kissimmee to confirm if their roadway project will start construction in January 2024.
OPCC- $404,334.00
Estimated construction duration- 6 months